For Reviewers

Procedure of review:

Invitation to review should only be accepted if the recipient has the necessary expertise to assess the manuscript and can be unbiased in his/her assessment. The comments must be objective and constructive, providing feedback that will help the authors to improve their manuscript. Review should be prepared within the proposed or mutually agreed timeframe. Peer reviews are not published.

Editors mediate all interactions between reviewers and authors. All possible competing or conflicting interests between authors and reviewers must be revealed to the editors.

The benefits of being a Reviewer

  • Review writing is closely connected to professional development and, in the long term, to professional recognition.
  • Review writing can help us to become better at argumentation and analysis.
  • Reviewing activities are beneficial: the more reviewers there are, the more likely it is that the reviewer’s own future work will be reviewed quickly and professionally.
  • It is a practice to select some of the best reviewers to serve on the editorial board.
  • Reviewers have the advantage of reading first-hand the latest research.
  • Review activities can be included in applications and professional CVs.