Prof. Dr. László TÓTH
Full Professor – Institute of Technology, Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences
E-mail: toth.laszlo.emeritus@uni-mate.hu
Biography and publications: Scopus
Prof. Dr. István SZABÓ
Full Professor – Institute of Technology, Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences
E-mail: szabo.istvan.prof@uni-mate.hu
Biography and publications: Scopus
Secretary of Editorial Board
Dr. László MAGÓ
Associate Professor – Institute of Technology, Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences
E-mail: mago.laszlo@uni-mate.hu
Biography and publications: Scopus
Manager of Issue Editing and Webpage Development
Dr. László MAGÓ
Associate Professor – Institute of Technology, Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences
E-mail: mago.laszlo@uni-mate.hu
Biography and publications: Scopus
Members of the Editorial Board
Dr. David C. FINGER
Reykjavík University, School of Science and Engineering, Reykjavik, Iceland
E-mail: davidf@ru.is
Biography and publications: Scopus
Dr. György SITKEI
Faculty of Engineering, Wood Sciences and Applied Arts, University of West Hungary, Hungary
E-mail: railveh@rave.vjt.bme.hu
Biography and publications: Scopus
Faculty of Engineering, University of Szeged, Hungary
E-mail: szabog@mk.u-szeged.hu
Biography and publications: Scopus
Dr. László TÓTH
Institute of Technology, Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Hungary
E-mail: toth.laszlo.emeritus@uni-mate.hu
Biography and publications: Scopus
Dr. János BEKE
Institute of Technology, Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Hungary
E-mail: beke.janos@uni-mate.hu
Biography and publications: Scopus
Dr. István SZABÓ
Institute of Technology, Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Hungary
E-mail: szabo.istvan.prof@uni-mate.hu
Biography and publications: Scopus
Faculty of Forestry, University of West Hungary, Hungary
E-mail: horvath.bela@nyme.hu
Biography and publications: Scopus
Institute of Technology, Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Hungary
E-mail: sembery.peter@uni-mate.hu
Biography and publications: Scopus
Institute of Technology, Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Hungary
E-mail: fenyvesi.laszlo@uni-mate.hu
Biography and publications: Scopus
Dr. Zoltán BÁRTFAI
Institute of Technology, Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Hungary
E-mail: bartfai.zoltan@uni-mate.hu
Biography and publications: Scopus
Dr. László MAGÓ
Institute of Technology, Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Hungary
E-mail: mago.laszlo@uni-mate.hu
Biography and publications: Scopus
Dr. Bahattin AKDEMIR
Namık Kemal University, Turkey
E-mail: bakdemir@nku.edu.tr
Biography and publications: Scopus
Dr. R. Cengiz AKDENIZ
Faculty of Agriculture, Ege University, Turkey
E-mail: r.cengiz.akdeniz@ege.edu.tr
Biography and publications: Scopus
Chair of Forest Operations, University of Freiburg, Germany
E-mail: dirk.jaeger@uni-goettingen.de
Biography and publications: Scopus
Dr. József NYERS
Technical College Subotica, Serbia
E-mail: jnyers@vts.su.ac.rs
Biography and publications: Scopus
Dr. Mićo V. OLJAČA
Faculty of Agriculture. University of Belgrade, Serbia
E-mail: omico@agrif.bg.ac.rs
Biography and publications: Scopus
Research Institute of Agricultural Engineering, Czech Republic
E-mail: zdenek.pastorek@vuzt.cz
Biography and publications: Scopus
Dr. Vijaya G.S. RAGHAVAN
McGill University, Canada
E-mail: vijaya.raghavan@mcgill.ca
Biography and publications: Scopus
Dr. Lazar SAVIN
Faculty of Agriculture, University of Novi Sad, Serbia
E-mail: savlaz@polj.uns.ac.rs
Biography and publications: Scopus
Dr. Bart SONCK
Institute for Agricultural and Fisheries Research, Belgium
E-mail: bart.sonck@ilvo.vlaanderen.be
Biography and publications: Scopus
Faculty of Agriculture, University of Belgrade, Serbia
E-mail: gorant@agrifaculty.bg.ac.yu
Biography and publications: Scopus
Dr. Valentin VLADUT
National Institute of Research-Development for Machines and Installations Designed to Agriculture and Food Industry, Romania
E-mail: vladut@inma.ro
Biography and publications: Scopus
Dr. László KÁTAI
Institute of Technology, Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Hungary
E-mail: katai.laszlo@uni-mate.hu
Biography and publications: Scopus
Dr. István KEPPLER
Institute of Technology, Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Hungary
E-mail: keppler.istvan@uni-mate.hu
Biography and publications: Scopus
Institute of Technology, Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Hungary
E-mail: korenszky.peter.emod@uni-mate.hu
Biography and publications: Scopus
Institute of Technology, Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Hungary
E-mail: Kalacska.Gabor@uni-mate.hu
Biography and publications: Scopus
Dr. Tamás ANTAL
Institute of Technical and Agricultural Sciences, University of Nyíregyháza, Hungary
E-mail: antal.tamas@nye.hu
Biography and publications: Scopus